American Plutocracy

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez said the transition period will be “very unusual, because I can’t really take a salary. I have three months without a salary before I’m a member of Congress. So, how do I get an apartment? Those little things are very real.” She said she saved money before leaving her job at the restaurant, and planned accordingly with her partner.

—Stephen A. Crockett Jr., The Root[^1]

I have heard anecdotes from this century about reps who do struggle to pay for two households, even on $170K/yr, so not every Representative is rich. But the median Representative in 2011 was worth $773,0001 2.

There are many little ways in which our electoral system isn’t even designed (nor prepared) for working-class people to lead. This is one of them (don’t worry btw - we’re working it out!)

—Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez[^2] [^3]