Good news

Followup on the story I linked previously, about the Air Force/Boeing joint venture to swindle the American public. The summary of that story is that the Boeing, facing the closure of the 767 production line from lack of orders, asked for and received a massive handout from the Air Force, which bent over backwards to break the rules. You may not be surprised to learn that the primary mover in the Air Force for this project started a new job at Boeing last year. And, while I can’t report that the deal has been cancelled and American taxpayers saved billions of dollars (the deal included over-payment of perhaps $5B out of $20B total, and that’s without examining the assumption that the United States should maintain the infrastructure for complete air superiority of indefinite duration anywhere in the world), at least a few of the responsible parties got fired as Boeing executed evasive maneuver Charlie Yankee Alpha One:

The chief financial officer, Michael Sears, was fired for discussing a job with the Pentagon official, Darleen Druyun, while she was representing the government in talks with the company over a multibillion-dollar contract to supply aerial refueling tankers.

An internal inquiry found that Mr. Sears, once considered a candidate for Boeing's top job, and Ms. Druyun, who was also fired, tried to cover up their discussions, the company said.

Boeing Dismisses 2 In Hiring of Official Who Left Pentagon - The New York Times