Chapter 8.  Install and configure Emacs

Procedure 8.1.  configure emacs
  1. Emacs

    Get the standard config mkdir ~/.emacs cp ~/Dropbox/Basic/new_machine/linux/emacs/.emacs.d.init.el.current ~/.emacs.d/init.el

    ;;; init.el --- Initialization file for Emacs
    ;;; Commentary:
    ;;; sanmarco version
    ;; Emacs Startup File --- initialization for Emacs
    ;; Settings froma
    ;; Settings from
    ;;; Code:
    ;; Packaging
    (require 'package)
    (setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
    (add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))
    (add-to-list 'package-archives '("gnu" . ""))
    (unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
      (package-install 'use-package)
      (require 'use-package)))
    ;; Start benchmarking as early as possible
    (use-package benchmark-init
      ;; To disable collection of benchmark data after init is done.
      (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'benchmark-init/deactivate))
    (add-hook 'after-init-hook
              (lambda () (message "loaded in %s" (emacs-init-time))))
    ;; Custom
     ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
     ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
     ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
     ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
     '(default ((t (:family "Quadraat Sans Mono OT" :foundry "unknown" :slant normal :weight normal :height 200 :width normal))))
     '(flycheck-inline-error ((t (:inherit compilation-error :inverse-video t :family "IBM Plex Mono"))))
     '(flycheck-inline-info ((t (:inherit compilation-info :inverse-video t :family "IBM Plex Mono"))))
     '(flycheck-inline-warning ((t (:inherit compilation-warning :inverse-video t :family "IBM Plex Mono"))))
     '(powerline-active1 ((t (:background "tan" :foreground "gray29")))))
     ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
     ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
     ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
     ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
     '(auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory t)))
     '(backup-by-copying t)
     '(backup-directory-alist '(("." . "~/.emacs.d/backup")))
     '(column-number-mode t)
     '(company-idle-delay 2)
     '(completions-format 'one-column)
     '(create-lockfiles nil)
       '("830877f4aab227556548dc0a28bf395d0abe0e3a0ab95455731c9ea5ab5fe4e1" "285d1bf306091644fb49993341e0ad8bafe57130d9981b680c1dbd974475c5c7" "57a29645c35ae5ce1660d5987d3da5869b048477a7801ce7ab57bfb25ce12d3e" "51ec7bfa54adf5fff5d466248ea6431097f5a18224788d0bd7eb1257a4f7b773" "4c56af497ddf0e30f65a7232a8ee21b3d62a8c332c6b268c81e9ea99b11da0d3" "fee7287586b17efbfda432f05539b58e86e059e78006ce9237b8732fde991b4c" "c433c87bd4b64b8ba9890e8ed64597ea0f8eb0396f4c9a9e01bd20a04d15d358" "2809bcb77ad21312897b541134981282dc455ccd7c14d74cc333b6e549b824f3" default))
     '(delete-old-versions t)
     '(echo-keystrokes 0.1)
       '(save idle-change idle-buffer-switch new-line mode-enabled))
     '(flycheck-disabled-checkers '(python-pylint))
     '(flycheck-display-errors-delay 0.3)
     '(flycheck-display-errors-function 'flycheck-display-error-messages-unless-error-list)
     '(flycheck-flake8rc "~/.config/.flake8")
     '(flycheck-idle-change-delay 0.2)
     '(flycheck-indication-mode 'left-fringe)
     '(flycheck-navigation-minimum-level 'error)
     '(flycheck-pylintrc "~/.config/.pylintrc" nil nil "set standard")
     '(flycheck-python-mypy-config '("mypy.ini" "setup.cfg" "~/.config/mypy/config"))
     '(flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-minimum-level 'error)
     '(flycheck-relevant-error-other-file-show nil)
            "%b"))) t)
     '(fset 'yes-or-no-p t)
     '(gc-cons-threshold 50000000)
     '(git-gutter:modified-sign "Δ")
     '(git-gutter:verbosity 0)
     '(global-auto-revert-mode t)
     '(global-display-line-numbers-mode 1)
     '(global-hl-line-mode 1)
     '(indent-tabs-mode nil)
     '(inhibit-startup-screen t)
     '(kept-new-versions 20)
     '(kept-old-versions 5)
     '(large-file-warning-threshold 100000000)
     '(line-number-mode 1)
     '(menu-bar-mode nil)
     '(next-error-message-highlight 'keep)
     '(nxml-slash-auto-complete-flag t)
       '(jinja2-mode scad-mode benchmark-init undo-tree diffview ac-slime anaconda-mode auto-complete blacken company-jedi crux dap-mode dash expand-region flycheck flycheck-pos-tip free-keys helm hideshow-org importmagic json-mode markdown-mode py-isort python-pytest pythonic smart-mode-line smex solarized-theme use-package which-key yasnippet yasnippet-snippets))
     '(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
     '(python-check-command "mypy")
     '(read-extended-command-predicate 'command-completion-default-include-p)
     '(scroll-bar-mode nil)
     '(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8)
     '(set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8)
     '(set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8)
     '(show-paren-mode t)
     '(size-indication-mode t)
     '(solarized-distinct-fringe-background t)
     '(solarized-emphasize-indicators nil)
     '(solarized-high-contrast-mode-line t)
     '(tab-width 4)
     '(tool-bar-mode nil)
     '(undo-tree-history-directory-alist '(("." . "~/.emacs.d/undo-tree/")))
     '(use-package-always-ensure t)
     '(version-control t))
    (add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook (lambda() (electric-indent-mode -1)))
    ;; Packages
    (use-package blacken)
    (use-package company
      :ensure t
      :diminish company-mode
      (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode))
    (use-package company
      :ensure t
      :diminish company-mode
      (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode))
    (use-package crux
      :ensure t
      ("C-k" . crux-smart-kill-line)
      ("C-c n" . crux-cleanup-buffer-or-region)
      ("C-c f" . crux-recentf-find-file)
      ("C-a" . crux-move-beginning-of-line))
    ;; ;;
    ;; (setq company-backends '(company-capf
    ;;                          company-keywords
    ;;                          company-jedi))
    ;; (setq company-tooltip-limit 20)
    ;; (setq company-show-quick-access t)
    ;; (setq company-idle-delay 0)
    ;; (setq company-echo-delay 0)
    (use-package exec-path-from-shell
    (use-package expand-region
      :ensure t
      :bind ("M-m" . er/expand-region))
    (use-package flycheck
     :ensure t
     :init (global-flycheck-mode))
    (use-package flycheck-color-mode-line)
    (use-package flycheck-inline)
    (with-eval-after-load 'flycheck
      (add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook #'flycheck-inline-mode)
      (add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook 'flycheck-color-mode-line-mode)
    (use-package git-gutter
      (global-git-gutter-mode 't))
    (use-package graphviz-dot-mode)
    (use-package hideshow)
    (use-package magit
      :bind (("C-M-g" . magit-status)))
    ;; (use-package nxml-mode)
    (use-package powerline)
    (use-package pyvenv
      :ensure t
      (pyvenv-mode 1))
    (use-package rainbow-delimiters
      (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'rainbow-delimiters-mode))
    (use-package rainbow-mode
      (setq rainbow-x-colors nil)
      (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'rainbow-mode))
    (use-package recentf
      (recentf-mode 1))
    (use-package sgml-mode)
    (use-package smart-mode-line
      :ensure t
    ;;  (setq sml/theme 'powerline)
      (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'sml/setup))
    (use-package smex
      ("M-x" . smex)
      ("M-X" . smex-major-mode-commands))
    (use-package smart-mode-line
      :ensure t
    ;;  (setq sml/theme 'powerline)
      (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'sml/setup))
    (use-package solarized-theme
      (load-theme 'solarized-gruvbox-dark t))
    (use-package undo-tree
      :defer 5
      (global-undo-tree-mode 1))
    (use-package which-key
    ;; Python
    (add-hook 'python-mode-hook
              (lambda ()
                ;; explicitly load company for the occasion when the deferred
                ;; loading with use-package hasn't kicked in yet
     '((python . t)))
    ;; Flycheck
    ;; from
        python-mypy ""
        :command ("mypy"
                  "--python-version" "3.8"
        ((error line-start (file-name) ":" line ": error:" (message) line-end))
        :modes python-mode
        (add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'python-mypy)
        (remove-hook 'flymake-diagnostic-functions 'flymake-proc-legacy-flymake)
    ;; nXML/Docbook
    ;; (eval-after-load 'rng-loc
    ;;   '(add-to-list 'rng-schema-locating-files "~/.schema/schemas.xml"))
    ;; (add-to-list 'hs-special-modes-alist
    ;;              '(nxml-mode
    ;;                "<!--\\|<[^/>]*[^/]>"
    ;;                "-->\\|</[^/>]*[^/]>"
    ;;                "<!--"
    ;;                sgml-skip-tag-forward
    ;;                nil)
    ;; )
    ;; (add-hook 'nxml-mode-hook 'hs-minor-mode)
    ;; ;; optional key bindings, easier than hs defaults
    ;; (define-key nxml-mode-map (kbd "C-c h") 'hs-toggle-hiding)
    ;; HTML/CSS
    (defvar c-basic-offset)
    (add-hook 'css-mode-hook
      (lambda ()
        (setq c-basic-offset 2)
        (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)))
    ;; Global Keyboard Mappings
    (require 'org) ; Required to prevent flycheck error with org-mode keybindings
    (require 'bind-key)
     ("C--" .        company-complete)                 ; Ctrl+hyphen
     ("C-;" .        comment-or-uncomment-region)
     ; tried moving flycheck bindings to use-package but didn't work
     ("C-<next>" .   flycheck-next-error)              ; Ctrl+<page-down>
     ("C-<prior>" .  flycheck-previous-error)          ; Ctrl+<page-up>
     ("C-<return>" . completion-at-point)
     ("C-`" .        keyboard-escape-quit)
     ("C-c a" .      org-agenda)
     ("C-c c" .      org-capture)
     ("C-c l" .      org-store-link)
     ("C-c C-n" .    next-error)
     ("C-f" .        toggle-frame-fullscreen)
     ("C-g" .        goto-line)
     ("C-h" .        replace-string)
     ("C-v" .        yank)                             ; Stop scrolling-up by muscle memory
     ("C-z" .        undo)                             ; Stop minimizing by accident
    ;; Finish up
    (require 'server)
    (if (not (server-running-p)) (server-start));
    (provide '.emacs)
    (provide 'init)
    ;;; init.el ends here
  2. Konsole

    Config files will only be kept if the copying occurs with Konsole closed (i.e., in xterm or console). If that fails, the key settings are in both Edit Profile and Configure Konsole. xterm &

    Close all instances of Konsole

    Copy files cp ~/Dropbox/Basic/new_machine/linux/kde/konsolerc .config/ mkdir ~/.local/share/konsole cp ~/Dropbox/Basic/new_machine/linux/kde/Joel\'s\ Konsole\ Profile.profile ~/.local/share/konsole

    Configure Konsole Always Show Tab Bar

    Configure Profile

    1. Solarized

    2. 14 pt Quadraat Sans Mono

    3. Set Unlimited Scrollbar, Hidden

    4. hide Menubar

    5. Uncheck Show Menubar by default

  3. Aliases

    Copy the file. cp ~/Dropbox/Basic/new_machine/linux/misc/.bash_aliases ~/

    alias df='duf'
    alias diff='delta'
    alias duh='dust -d 2'
    alias elast='emacs $(!!)'
    alias grep='rg'
    alias grepnocomment='rg ^[^#]' 
    alias less='less --quit-if-one-screen --no-init' 
    alias more='less --quit-if-one-screen --no-init'
    alias man='man --pager="less -FX"'
    alias ps='procs'
    alias pf='procs --tree'
    alias pg='procs --tree | rg'
    alias tx='tar xzvf'
    alias tj='tar xjvf'
    alias tJ='tar xJvf'
    alias ..='cd ..'
    alias ...='cd ../../../'
    alias ....='cd ../../../../'
    alias .....='cd ../../../../'
    alias .4='cd ../../../../'
    alias .5='cd ../../../../..'
    alias l='exa     --all --header --binary --group --long --tree --level=1 --sort=changed'
    alias ll='exa    --all --header --binary --group --long --tree --level=2 --sort=changed'
    alias lll='exa   --all --header --binary --group --long --tree --level=3 --sort=changed'
    alias llll='exa  --all --header --binary --group --long --tree --level=4 --sort=changed'
    alias lall='exa  --all --header --binary --group --long --tree --sort=changed'
    alias lss='exa   --all --header --binary --group --long --tree --level=1 --sort=size'
    alias lnn='exa   --all --header --binary --group --long --tree --level=1 --sort=name'
    alias ld=ls\ -alrt\ '~/Downloads'\ --block-size="\'1"
    alias h=history
    alias hig='history | grep '
    alias mv='mv -i'
    # applications
    alias gq='geeqie'
    alias m=mpv
    # Package Management
    alias aptfiles='dpkg-query -L'
    alias aptstat='dpkg -l | grep'
    alias ass='apt-cache search'
    alias aptapt="apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get autoremove -y"
    export EDITOR=emacs
    tty -s && export PS1="\t \u@\h:\w\\$ \[$(tput sgr0)\]"

    Repeat for skel. cp ~/Dropbox/Basic/new_machine/linux/misc/.bash_aliases /etc/skel/

    Repeat for root cp ~/Dropbox/Basic/new_machine/linux/misc/.bash_aliases /root/

  4. Add ~/bin to path

    Edit: emacs ~/.bashrc

    Add at the end:

    export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

    And remove the default alias for l


    Seems like this may not be necessary because it's in .profile?? Check in later.

  5. MPV

    Load config files mkdir ~/.config/mpv Copy over custom key bindings for changing aspect ratio cp ~/Dropbox/Basic/new_machine/linux/misc/mpv_input.conf ~/.config/mpv/input.conf

    F2 video-aspect-override 1.3333
    F3 video-aspect-override 1.7778
    F4 video-aspect-override 1.85
    F5 video-aspect-override 2
    F6 video-aspect-override 2.3
    F7 video-aspect-override 1
    F8 video-aspect-override 1.1
    F9 video-aspect-override 1.2
    F10 zoom 2