Using US military training to reform human rights violators (doesn't work)

[Commander in Chief of Pacific Command] Admiral Blair advocated the notion that U.S. military officers could reform their foreign counterparts. He pushed countries in his theater to send their officers to American schools and to open their hallways to U.S. planners and trainers. (Priest, Dana. The Mission, p 51. 2003 W.W. Norton & Company)

Can you spot anything in the careers or biographies of military officers that makes them more likely to violate human rights?

What was the big risk for Salvadorean military officers committing huge human rights violations? US training. It's very, very clear. I think US training selects the officers who are the most motivated, and the way that you distinguished yourself in the Salvadorean military in the 1980s was by killing people. So the most motivated officers are also the worst. But what this also says is that US training is useless for restraining human rights abuse. US training also advantages officers relative to other officers, so when they come back they get better jobs and are in a position to commit more violations. (Patrick Ball "has spent 12 years designing software that turns information on human rights abuses into databases." Interviewed in New Scientist)