Black and white photograph of a right-handed baseball player in a light-colored unifom with 29 Clowns on the front, jumping with legs split and not touching the ground, holding a baseball in their hand with their arm cocked back, and the other, gloved hand pointing straight forward.  Their mouth is open in a shout.

PHOTO: USA Today. Marcena Toni Stone 1

A chart of all major league seasons of all major league baseball teams, ever.
Dodgers|Giants|Analysis: What good is bad data?
The Other Collusion
Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy? Baseball Edition
Hindsight on the J.D. Drew signing
All’s well that ends well
with respect and compassion
A baseball score and my reaction
A Puig Triptych
What to wear (hat edition)
We won today
Debranding baseball stadiums
Why atheletes take steroids
Why baseball is important
working on a new scorecard
Economic Analysis of baseball contracts
Five more months until opening day
Stadium Pal. See the photo.
(What’s so funny ‘bout) peace love and understanding
Is this ~~~Evils of synergy~~~ or ~~~Evils of Rupert Murdoch~~~ or just ~~~synergy of evil?~~~
Great Moments in Spring Training